Sunday, April 10, 2011

LIES, LIES AND 'MOORE' LIES!...but did we really expect anything different?

How do they come up with this stuff??

  • "A Grafton Township SPECIAL Meeting, called by Grafton Township voters."
Yes, a mere 40 voters signed a petition to call this SPECIAL meeting. Don't let a small group of people speak for you. Please attend the meeting.

  • "Grafton Trustees have NOT followed your directives, again!"
How so? After last years annual meeting the trustees immediately went to work on coming up with a financially responsible way to pay back the Road District Loan. Please review the meeting minutes beginning May 13th, 2010 – the first board meeting after the annual meeting.

  • "They did not pay back the Road District the $700,000 the voters (you) overwhelming told them to do at the 2010 Annual Town Meeting."
During the June 14th meeting the trustees expressed concern over not knowing the financial standing of the Township and suggested making payments to the Road District of $2,623.54 until a special audit can be performed. Scroll down to agenda item 5-A. Also notice that the SUPERVISOR, herself, voted against making payments to the Road District.

  • "The Grafton Township voters have called a special meeting at 6PM on April 12, to enforce last years adopted resolution which directed the board to pay back the Road District $700,000 and now we are giving them a deadline."
I’m not opposed to a reasonable deadline. What I’m opposed to is forcing the Township into bankruptcy by paying off the loan in one lump sum….especially since an agreement has been reached with the Road District to pay it off with a payment plan.

  • "At this meeting, April 12th at 6PM, we are also voting to adopt a new bylaw to hold each board member who fails to comply with the resolutions adopted by the voters, personally liable for all attorney fees to enforce the resolution of the voters."
Elected officials are protected from personal liability of attorneys fees when conducting governmental business under the (745 ILCS 10/) Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act. Furthermore, every attempt the trustees have made to comply with the wishes of the voters has been directly undermined by the SUPERVISOR. Ref: meeting minutes 9/9/2010, 1/13/2011, 2/10/2011. The SUPERVISOR votes NAY to any motion providing reasonable means of paying back the road district loan.

And lastly….

  • "The Trustees have spent $300,000 in legal fees…."
I’d like to point out that the Trustees have not initiated any law suits against the Supervisor. Not one. Linda Moore has initiated them all…..and the number is well over $500,000….and it’s still climbing.

Please attend the SPECIAL Town Meeting
To be held at the Huntley High School

13719 Harmony Road, Huntley, IL 60142

Tuesday, April 12th, at 6PM.

2010 Grafton Township Meeting Minutes.
2011 Grafton Township Meeting Minutes.
The meeting videos are also located to the left of this blog if you wish to view the footage.


Anonymous said...

You have clearly done your research. Well done, sir/madam! I will be at the meeting on Tuesday voting "NO".
-Grafton Resident

Anonymous said...

DAMNED STRAIGHT! You folks passed the Grafton Lie Detector Test with flying colors. Supervisor Moore did not fare well with the Lie Detector. Anyone surprised?

Anonymous said...

I think the trustees should be responsible for any legal bills they rack up. They have held on to Ancel Glink for too long.

Tom Grafton said...

Tell you what, @8:44, even though they are legally protected, I'll let it slide because I think Linda Moore should be held to the exact same standard. To that end, I believe she should be personally liable for the half a million dollars in legal fees she has instigated. No one should ever rollover to these kind of bullying tactics, so the trustees have my permission to use my tax money to defend themselves. I do not grant such permission to Linda Moore.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this site and all of the great information!

Everyone, tell others about this. We need to make a stand, we have to stop the antics that are going on.

Linda Moore and those '40' people do NOT represent me!!! How about you? How about your neighbors?

We have to BE THERE to stop them!

Anonymous said...

"Oh, Gee". This sure makes the Grafton 40 look pretty, pretty pathetic.