Tuesday, March 15, 2011

2010 Annual Grafton Township Meeting - Part 9

From the crowd: How do you know( who voted for or against)!?
Moderator: Roberts Rule of Order. That’s the way it is. Okay. We’re going to move on. We’re not having a motion to strike. We have another point of order.
Unknown Male: Even though I’m voting with the majority here, which I can appreciate one way or the other, the people that don’t go the way that the swaying is; I’d like to make a point about the gentleman who are putting up signs and so forth. My understanding is that in a place like this where you’re blind, you really can’t have signs and all that sort of stuff. And I really regret that you’re sitting there, holding signs, telling me how to vote. (Cheers from the crowd)
Moderator: People holding the signs. Please refrain from that.
Crystal Sheehan: Just in the interest of saving some time, can we just hold up our pink pads?
Moderator: …on the agenda now to move forward. There’s no more discussion. We are moving forward on the agenda. The discussion is….
(Point of order)
Don: I’d like you to reconsider the vote for a couple reasons here. The pink ballots were handed out to the individuals who unfortunately cannot stand and sit with each vote that takes place. The purpose of the ballot was to accommodate those votes. I would like the chairman to reconsider taking the vote by ballot.
Moderator: The gentleman has voted in favor of the motion, (How does he know that???) so he is valid with his reconsideration. Is there a second to the reconsideration?
Unknown male: I 2nd.
From crowd: What about the people that didn’t get the pink ballot?
Moderator: Okay, the reconsideration on the motion. We are going to vote again. This time, when we vote on this motion, please hold your pink ballots high. (Confused about what is being voted on. Moderator talks with the attorney). The point of order that’s been called is we have to vote on the reconsideration to vote by ballots.
Unknown male: I want the moderator to realize that these doors here are wide open and anybody…. can walk in here and vote.
Various People in the crowd: They’re all walking out. They’re leaving.
(More confusion about who got ballots and who did not.)
Moderator: Point of order on the floor….the motion to reconsider is only a motion to reconsider the vote. All’s it is is a reconsider to vote. You’re not voting on the motion again. It has been 2nd. Okay, so, the motion on the floor is to reconsider the vote on the original motion that was approved. There is no discussion on reconsider. All those in favor of reconsidering the vote, please hold up your pink ballots. Motion failed.
Tammy Luthe: (Inaudible)
Moderator: We are right now moving on…the motion was passed. We are moving down the list now. We are on…resolution……..we are moving down item one, item two, item three. It was suggested that we have a motion to strike item one, which is now item two, through item six because we already voted on a motion that took care of all of that. Is there a motion to strike? (Calls on Mr Kurns)
Mr. Kurns: Mr chairman, I move to strike item…resolutions 2, formerly 1,3,4,5,6,7.
From the crowd: Not 7
Moderator: Items 1 through6 originally, now items 2 through 7….so everyone understands.
From the crows: No! Only through 6!
Moderator: Is there a second to that motion? Motion has been moved and 2nd. We will have discussion to strike those items.
(People on the left are standing to speak but the moderator calls on Mr. Kurns again.)
Moderator: Someone needs to stand up.
From the crowd: We have been standing!
(The moderator allows Mr Kurns to proceed.)
Mr. Kurns: Items 2 through 7 have been covered in the previous motion and it’s no longer valid.
Moderator: The gentleman in the blue shirt over here would like to speak. Let’s keep this contained to the motion.
Dave: ….paper ballots on all….since the first motion got pushed through…without debate and without a proper vote….Inaudible…
Moderator: Okay, understood. Man in the orange hat at the top.
Don: This sounds like an extension of the board meetings. Let’s continue with the agenda and eliminate this minutia and let democracy prevail.
The moderator call to Mr. Luis.
Mr Luis(Green Shirt): I don’t realize why we discuss any longer the fairness of the voting, ‘cause “Ray Charles” can see that it’s overwhelm……..(crowd screaming point of order)
Moderator: Point of order.

Click to view Part 10

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